Research & Education

Follow my research & academic journey journey throughout the years

  • Central Borneo /Camp Tuanan, Indonesia

    Fulbright Fellow & Dissertation Research (2022- 2023):

    Assessing the impacts of peatland burns and new road clearance (road/forest edge effects) on the health and diet of critically endangered orangutans in the peatlands of Central Borneo.

  • Rhesus Macaque selectively eating ground plants.

    Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico (2020)

    MA Thesis: Identifying Climate Induced Diet Variation in Rhesus Macaques, Cayo Santiago Puerto Rico

    Measuring changes in diet and health status of Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques before and after Hurricane Maria largely deforested the small island.

  • Quartz embedded in oolite from samples collected on site.

    Tequesta Village/ Metropolitan Square, Miami, Florida (2018)

    Undergraduate Honors Thesis: Geochemical analysis of Tequesta calcretes​ (2019)

    Environmental reconstruction of Tequesta Village in downtown Miami using organic & inorganic Stable Isotope Analysis, and several other geochemical analysis.

  • Volcan Licancabur

    San Pedro de Atacama, Chile (2018)

    NSF Funded Internship: The Emergence Of Social Inequality (2018)

    Identifying post-cranial skeletal pathologies & trauma in a pre-Tiwuakanu hunter-gatherer population (1st millennium CE.) in the oases of San Pedro de Atacama.

  • Ceremonial Indígena de Tibes, Puerto Rico (2016)

    Internship: Smithsonian Institution, The National Museum of the American Indian (2016)

    Archeological Excavation, Surveying Techniques, Site Restoration & Public Archaeology.


Rutgers University (RU)

Anthropology; Human Evolutionary Sciences (HES)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

2020- currently

Advisor: Dr. Erin Vogel


New York University (NYU)

Anthropology; Human Skeletal Biology (HSB)

Masters of Arts (M.A.)


Advisors: Dr's Susan Antón, James Higham,

Scott Williams, Rhonda Quinn (Thesis Co-Advisor)



University of Miami (UM)

Anthropology & Geological Sciences

Bachelors or Arts (B.A.)


Anthropology Advisor: Dr. William Pestle

Geological Sciences Advisors: Dr. Harold Wanless, Dr. Don McNeill


Support & Collaborations

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Curriculum vitae

(last updated Spring 2023)